The Original Artisan Baker

Degustibus and Artisan Bakers
The Baker
You may be able to live without my craft, but not for long. Truly without my skills all tables seem empty & without bread all food is turned into loathing it gladdens the hearts of men, it strengthens folk & not even children are willing to refuse me.
Ælfric of Abingdon ca 975 ad

“Meister” means master in German and “Brot” of course means bread.
The name refers to the Masterpiece the trained bakers have to present at the end of their long learning period lasting many years to show their supreme proficiency.
When we, at DeGustibus bake our Artisan Sourdoughs, we strive for the same perfection, balance, textures & flavours and are immensely proud of our breads.
Sourdough Baking is a skill requiring many years of experimentation & adjustments of recipes. As no day or no weather conditions are alike, and even flour tends to vary by seasons, it is the ‘eye’ of the baker, his dedication & ability which makes a great sourdough bread.
The Team

Dan DeGustibus
I have trained my team to put wholesomeness & taste first. They have learned to appreciate the wisdom in observing the tradition in baking.

DeGustibus Bakery
Bread is foremost on my mind. Good bread is essential for good health; it provides enjoyment and nourishes. I like to treat it with respect and hope everybody does so as well.

The Baking Team
We bake all through the evening into the small hours of the day so that our bread is baked as close to the delivery time as possible so it is fresh on your table in the morning.
Little details are all important in baking. Every stage in bread making is as crucial as the previous one because it leads to different result. Only by following every step you’re poised to achieve excellence. Your aim is then to replicate your success and repeat it every day.

“I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee.”
“Blues is to jazz what yeast is to bread. Without it, it’s flat.”
“Peace goes into the making of a poem as flour goes into the making of bread.”
Best shop to buy bread in London
‘Pioneer Bakery’
One of only three ‘must visit’ bakeries
‘Best bread’ in FINANCIAL TIMES Taste Test “inspirational” “bread artist”
From start to finish

Stunningly beautiful yet simple, with deep flavours & great texture, sourdough has a low GI & many more health benefits, from essential lactic acid to a gluten reduction.
Sourdough is not just a fad, but the most traditional & wholesome way of making bread.

The result is a work of beauty, through the baking process the humble bread has gone through a transformation from simple, plain ingredients to a piece of living dough & finally into a satisfying loaf, for eye, mouth & soul.
So good, it must be shared.
At DeGustibus we produce a great variety of different breads with stunning flavours, textures; from complete rye loaves to creamy white breads, from small rolls to super large loaves, every day fresh, they are mixed in small batches, hand finished, pampered and brushed, & finally skillfully & diligently baked.
Mail Order
Please email bread@degustibus.uk for mail order details, or use the form below to contact us
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